Make no bones about, I’m incredibly proud of my pals The Breton Sound on their upcoming EP release, “Don’t Be Afraid of Rock & Roll”. The title of their 3rd release (dropping May 19th) couldn’t be any more apt. It’s bold, sophisticated, melodic, heartfelt, and it’s a true rock & fucking roll release.

It’s so refreshing to see bands like The Breton Sound getting back to what makes rock & roll cool: authenticity. When Fall Out Boy’s “Uma Thurman” is the hardest rocking tune currently on the Billboard 100 chart, we got problems friends.
There are 5 succinct tracks on “Don’t Be Afraid” and they’re all standouts. My favorite track on the EP is also one that you just have to see live…”Illuminate”. TBS debuted the track late last year at one of their shows, and the minute I heard it I responded just like Punxsutawney Phil predicting the weather.
Their initial first track “Rivers Cuomo” (previewed below) sets the tone for the rest of the record, all the while leaving some space for a fantastic ballad “Love You More” (duet with the lovely Cherie LeJeune from Wooden Wings), as well as the aforementioned anthem, “Illuminate”.
“Don’t Be Afraid of Rock & Roll” will officially be released to the masses this coming Tues., May 19th. You can get a head start on that and come out to see them perform alongside another great local band, The Bantam Foxes this Saturday night at Gasa Gasa on Freret St. Full details are below, and just so you know, The Breton Sound will be rocking the shit out of Jimmy Eat World’s “Bleed American” in it’s entirety, and Bantam Foxes will be performing AC/DC’s “Back In Black”, also from start to finish. Take a listen to their launch track below, and come out the show Saturday night, unless of course you’re afraid…