As we inch closer and close to the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, it’s hard not to always think about the things that have changed as well as the things that stay the same. New Orleans has and will always be a city full of entertainment options. Burlesque and it’s sideshow counterpart has exploded in New Orleans and seems to have evolved into a huge draw for the city. Depending on the day or the weekend, there’s nearly a half dozen shows going on in the city from Uptown, Downtown, as well as in the French Quarter. Two of my favorite performers around town, Frankie Sin & Donny Vomit bring great energy and excitement to the scene here in Nola.

Frankie who’s originally from California, performs around town with several burlesque groups, while Donny puts on his stellar sideshow performance all over the city. As a couple, they produce a fantastic variety show titled “Strange For Hire” which includes the best of both of their worlds. I was thrilled to be able to spend an early Sunday morning with them for a shoot and to talk about their upcoming show this Friday night at Always Lounge (See flyer below).
The show this weekend is a must see, and will also feature “The Lizard Man”.