Stylist and photographer Victoria Barkley is perfectly comfortable and at home in front as well as behind the camera. Here Instagram feed is beaming with images filled with vibrant and authentic color that truly shows off her Nola bred eye for contrast and composition. We were fortunate enough to run into some thick and heavy fog as we started out shooting and it proved to be quite perfect. Check out the rest of our shoot as well as the her profile down below.

1) What do you love most about New Orleans?
The People. Everyone has something to say. More often than not, they say too much. One of my favorite quotes is by Chris Rose, who characterizes New Orleanians so perfectly it gives me goose bumps. It goes like this… “We dance even if there is no radio. We drink at funerals. We talk too much and laugh too loud…and frankly we’re suspicious of others who dont.” He nailed it.
2) Since you are a photographer/stylist, what inspires you the most about New Orleans?
The colors. New Orleans does not have rolling hilltops or mountainsides, we have colors. Streets full of them. But we call them, Home.
3) When did you know New Orleans was a special place?
Only after Katrina, when we we’re all threatened with the idea of never returning, did I realize how lucky I am to call New Orleans, Home. Now, when I am out of town, and someone asks me where I am from, my chests puffs up and I say, New Orleans, with a big smile spread across my face. Because I know just how damn special this place really is.
4) Favorite New Orleans dish?
Crawfish Monica (How about that Jazz Fest Lineup?)
5) What’s your most memorable New Orleans moment?
Seeing assless chaps for the first time. I was 10 years old. It was Mardi Gras morning. And I was dressed head to toe in a handmade costume (made by my Mom) for the St. Anne parade.