Photographer Marianna Massey is one of my favorite photographers/creatives in New Orleans. Specializing in lifestyle, fashion, sports and entertainment photography, Marianna’s Instagram feed beams with excitement from locations all over the world. Her work is exceptional and exudes a beautiful rhythm and style. I get lost in her feed and the destinations she’s sharing with all of us.
I was fortunate to shoot with her along Lakeshore drive with it’s renewed coastline features. Check out her work via the links above and see the rest of the images from our shoot as well as her interview below.

1) How does New Orleans inspire your work?
I think what inspires me most about New Orleans and the South in general is the way the light looks here, the way it comes through the oak trees and reflects along the row streets and houses and upon the bayous and waterways is unlike anywhere I’ve ever seen before and that always makes me appreciate being an artist that can capture those fleeting moments in print.
2) When you are on the road making images, what do you miss most about New Orleans?
I miss the pace of life here, it seems like time slows down when I’m back here and in my hectic/time sensitive job that is something I certainly miss when I’m on the road.
3) What’s the photograph you’re most proud of?
This is an impossible question for me to answer because my hope is to be proud of every image I capture, whether it be an Olympian winning gold or a World leader speaking his mind or a chef making their most favorite dish – all of them are important in their own way and if I can show the essence of that in my images then I’m always proud of that.
4) What’s you favorite New Orleans dish?
When I lived on the West Coast and then overseas the one Southern staple I missed the most was grits, so I’d have to say Shrimp & grits is probably my go to New Orleans dish.
5) What’s your favorite Nola song?
I travel a lot and sometimes that can be tough and so I think the New Orleans artist that embodies that feeling for me is Anders Osbourne with his song “Call on me” – I always think of “home,” that being New Orleans for me now, when I hear it.